DaveMade DaveMade DaveMade
Updated 4/18/2011... email updated, thats about it! -BaxTHE #1
DaveMade enthusiasts on the West Coast!
Mr.Gunn Built
- Pictures 1 - Pictures 2 -
- Pictures 3 - Pictures 4 -
- 2003 NW Corner CB Picnic Pics -
-NEW 2004 NW Corner -Seattle- CB Picnic Pics NEW-
- Other DaveMade stations WorldWide -
(Thank you for taking time to contact me on the air, via email or BOTH!!)
WaterGates - SuperBowl -- Local and DX
Links - Upcoming Breaks - Current Events -
Often imitated, Never duplicated
The "Hey-Oh" Club
Dragon Cruzer Man
And Travler and FireFly
(More soon...)
Email Bax - bax454@gmail.com
Don't be a Mudduck
---=Page will always be under construction=--- Try not to choke on the 10 Ohm smoke